Our yoga classes offer a gentle, strengthening practice to leave you feeling refreshed and empowered!

Cascadia hosts yoga classes at local businesses, special events, and wellness retreats in Oregon.



Your breath is a tool you have with you at all times. The practice of yoga utilizes your breath to send messages to your body - to reinvigorate and give you energy, or to calm and relax your body and nervous system.



By integrating breath with movement, you can find an easeful rhythm within your body to build strength and resiliency. Use your awareness to tune in to the natural ebb and flow of yoga and life.



Take your yoga practice off the mat with mindful intention - care for yourself, your community, and your environment by becoming conscious of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Are you interested in one-on-one, private yoga sessions?

Contact me for details and pricing of personalized yoga sessions - all packages include a free 30-minute consultation!



“Thanks, again!

I feel a mental clarity and peacefulness that I have never felt before.

I love yoga!

- Stephanie S.

“Thank you, Danee for such an amazing class, being a new mother… this is exactly what I needed.

See you in a month!

- Trisha H.